September 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Chairwoman Cindy Edwards called the meeting to order at 3:04pm
Present were; Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Linda Pitt, Bob Johnston, Jeff Reser, John Rostash, Eric Baldinger, Kevin Myers, Landyn Hill, Tim Ley and Doug Weisenauer.
The minutes from the August 26, 2020 were distributed for review. Kevin Myers moved with a second by Bob Johnston to approve the minutes, motion passed.
The Financial report was distributed for review. Bob Johnston moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to approve the financial report, motion passed.
The Bills to be paid were discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Kevin Myers to pay the bills, motion passed.
The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for board member review and signatures. Managers report/ old /new business;
Barb McCullough discussed recent property transaction inquiries that she feels should come before the board for approval. It was the opinion of the board, that in the future, property acquisition and disposal decisions should come before the Board, relieving the Land Bank Manager of the harassment. If a decision needs to be made before the next scheduled meeting an email consent of the board members is allowable.
GT Environmental contract was discussed. 1160 Whetstone St is still under consideration.
1940 New Washington Rd contract extension was signed.

The Phoenix Project was discussed along with potential projects.

The 2020 budget was discussed with a need to revise the budget. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to revise the 2020 budget, motion passed.
Landyn Hill discussed the Galen St property. The city of Bucyrus needs to complete a second resolution to accept the property.
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn Motion passed at 3:50pm.